justin perdue: live at lincoln peak winery & vineyard

Saturday, June 19, 6-8pm: Justin Perdue and special guests at Lincoln Peak Vineyard & Winery, 142 River Rd, New Haven VT 05472

Celebrate the solstice with Lincoln Peak wines paired with gourmet foods prepared by local chefs, live jazz music performed by Justin Perdue & Friends, and a silent art auction with works by local artists.

Fundraiser for Otter Creek Child Center
$30 per person – $50 per couple
Tickets available at the door, or call OCCC: 802 388 9688

Click here for more info or to rsvp

2 Replies to “justin perdue: live at lincoln peak winery & vineyard”

  1. Justin,

    I’ve been using this tuning since 1963. Like yourself, it started as an experiment.

    By re-fingering I managed to work out a couple hours of classical guitar material, but,

    as time demands, Jazz is what holds my interest now. I’m very interested in what you’re

    doing and will stay in touch.


  2. Been doing it for 20 years now on acoustic. Try relearning Tony Rice and Mark Oconnor tunes in fourths. Fun stuff! My good friend’s a banjo player and he switch a few years after me too. A brave move on banjo. He’s the best musician I know of though. Better than anyone I’ve ever heard! I’m guessing we’re the only two to do so in our field. All first position chords are done with two fingers mostly. Try that one! Of course I really like McLaughlin, so learning to play with his influence also had been one of my main goals for many years. I now focus on playing what feels comfortable more than anything else. The only way we will get the world to change is to prove it’s more ergonomic. I think if we have a future with less and less sensationalism it will happen. Chord progressions are ridiculously easier and everybody knows that it’s superior with scales. Wikipedia is wrong! Sensationalism is why the guitar was never converted to straight fourths. It’s also why Einstein was credited with the discovery of e=mc2, and now we all know that’s not true! By the way, I call the old tuning Segovia-vaudeville tuning. Ha ha!

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